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Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine is eastern medicine prescription under the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Herbal Medicine has been existing for thousands of years. In the primitive times, people gradually found out that some of the plants and animals can be used both as food and treatment for some diseases when doing hunting and eating.

Chinese Herbal Medicine includes thousands of single herbs and formulas. There are certain ways and restrictions of mixing herbs, so make sure you go to a well trained Chinese Medicine Practitioner to get the right herbs.

Most herbs are made from plants and animals so they contain very few chemical ingredient. Some of them have to grow in certain places in order to provide the best ingredient , that is what we call “Local Herbs”.

Yi’ s herbal medicine has three different kinds of forms, they are power, capsule, and pills. Yi only use best providers for her patients to get the best result, because it really makes a difference with the good quality of herbs. Yi also makes her own formula for patients for different needs so patients get what they need rather than “One Herb For All”.
